Sunday, September 7, 2008

100 reasons to breastfeed

Here's a page from a great new breastfeeding site with 100 points on what's good about breastfeeding. It's all backed up with links to the studies, and to be honest the information blows me away. Totally. For example, we know that skin to skin contact is vital for newborn's development but I just read that your breasts can detect a one degree change in your baby's temperature and adjust the milk temperature accordingly. Wow!


Anonymous said...

ta, must bookmark it to motivate me when things get difficult...

Jo said...

IF things get difficult.

And there's lots of support and solution to find first, don't keep reading it and making yourself struggle through.

half pint pixie said...

Hello, another Rollercoaster mammy (spritemam) here stopping by to say "hi", I'm really enjoying your blog by the way :)

Jo said...

Hey half pint pixe (that's so cute!)

Thanks a million :)