Saturday, September 27, 2008

What Babies Want trailer

I forgot about this - it looks really good. I love Noah Wylie. Love him! The episode of ER when his and Tandi Newton's baby died was gut wrenching! I actually stopped watching ER after Olivia was born, because it just seemed to be about ill and dying babies every week - I was talking to someone who said exactly the same thing recently. Who was that now?

Anyway! This trailer - the film looks good, worth a watch. What Babies Want.


Rechru said...

*Choke* *sputter* newborn baby *gack* being dunked under a TAP!

Jo said...

Rechru, in the Ukraine and Russia, they run newborns under the cold tap to get them breathing.

Can you imagine what it feels like to be dragged from a warm bed and shoved into a cold shower? Now imagine that bed was the womb! What a thing to imprint - no wonder life in the Ukraine is harsh and violent, eh?

Why is it that so many of us are so far removed from the experience of a newborn, that we treat them in such awful ways? How can people who work with babies daily have so little understanding of what they need?

IS it just denial?

Ms. Moon said...

Jo- Why don't I know about this movie? How beautiful.