Friday, May 4, 2007

funniest ad campaign ever

Dublin is experiencing a building boom - fairly crap apartments with a veneer of 'style' are going up everywhere, seedy areas are fast becoming popular. This ad campaign has been in the news, and I passed the actual development site i North Dublin the other day - not really where I'd want to live.

Before now, I've taken offense at ads for salubrious South Dublin apartments that sell a preposterously unrealistic, James Bond-style lifestyle - a full page in the Irish Times Property section, depicting vague out of focus apartments in the background, in the foreground is a semi-headed man in a sharp designer suit, with one hand resting proprietorially on a young, slightly Asian woman's bare shoulder - she whereas and expensive looking dress and diamonds, very straight, groomed hair, beautiful, obedient - and inevitably, there is flash black car in there somewhere to? Want to be this guy? Just buy an apartment in Stillorgan - and as my husband pointed out, it's available to all the young idiots who will spend every last penny on the 100% mortgage they have to get to get it - for the next forty years. This is Celtic Tiger Ireland as far up its own arse as it can go.

But the Belmayne ads just crack me up - - these are so funny - obviously aiming for a different class of aspiring young pimp, they sell a bizarre vision of mirrored ceilings, cocaine and prostitutes, surrounded by sating draped walls and roulette tables. It's so ridiculous I feel quite fond if it!

Want to be a high class hooker or besuited pimp in Northside Dublin in 2007? Move here!

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