Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dear Baby,

I don't know what to do. By my conception date, which I know are correct, you were conceived on the 15th of October, therefore you are now only one week overdue, but the world health organisation's reckoning, you're actually only due (41 weeks).

The hospital scan puts you at 13 days overdue - a big difference, and this is not borne out by the scan evidence, which shows you to be happy, placenta fine, lots of water around you, no problems. You're moving away in there too.

Your sister didn't get to come on her own and I regret that. She showed no signs of post maturity either. The hospital want to either smear protroglandin on my cervix to force it open, or stick a crochet hook inside me and break my waters on Tuesday, regardless. A violent start to your life here. I won't countenance letting them do wither of these things to me - I'm outraged enough to realise they stripped my membranes without asking or informing me last time, like I'm some sort of sheep being put through the dipping process.

But I'm torn between going the acupuncturist tomorrow, which is giving in to their pressure a little, and just waiting for you to get ready. Why did all those cervix softening pressure waves go away?

My sister's visit looms, I really want you out here before she's in the country! I didn't want a visit from her to my bedside... and I want to be able to go to your great grandmother's 90th birthday party and show you off, preferably not in a wheelchair!

What do I do honey? Wait and see? Cancel the induction tomorrow, tell them I'm going for acupuncture instead, which I did last time, and book a new scan date. And wait another few days? Or get you on out here? I'm so wanting to see you. Someone asked me if I was excited about the scan, but I'd just much rather see you in the flesh. And I'd like to not feel any sword of Damocles hanging over me this time - that's what the home birth was meant to be all about... what's going on here?


aquaasho said...

I have no advice or words of wisdom but can understand what you're saying. I regretted the intrusion when I had my daughter and understand your reluctance. Hope all is well and works out just fine, as I'm sure it will.

PĂ©itseoga said...

oh dear... did it all work out in the end? if this is a dublin hospital, will you let me know which one, so i don't go there if and when i'm having a baby!

Jo said...

Ugh, no it didn't exactly work out, though there are many many factors. I'll post a birth story when i ahve the emotional energy - I thin khtere are lots of reasons not to go to Holles St, but there are bad and good stories from all the hospitals - I think it really depends which midwives you get on the day.

I do have a beautiful beautiful baby boy here, but we'ev been through the mill a little. More soon.