Sunday, August 12, 2007

20lb baby?

Someone told me they saw a news report about a 20lb baby being born recently, in the States. I did a search for it, but only came up with a 2005 story about a Brazilian woman, a diabetic, who had a 17lb baby. I would post a picture (so scary! It's like a 6 month old!) but the baby died 11 hours after birth, so I don't want to make it in to a freakshow.

I didn't know til late in my pregnancy that if you get gestational diabetes the insulin causes the baby to grow big. A good incentive to avoid sweet things... though I had several urine tests with traces or high sugar in them, which worried my midwife, but I didn't contract diabetes, nor have a big baby.

In fact, despite my fears, as my daughter was 8lb12, this little boy was my ideal baby-weight - just 8lbs. I wonder why? I thought second birth and being a boy he'd be bigger. I suppose I ate better in some respects during my first pregnancy, though I hardly ate anything for the first 4 months due to morning sickness. And I got more sleep. Sleep and salad make bigge babies, perhaps? More later about diet and colic.

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