Saturday, August 25, 2007

Beautiful clothes

I wish I'd had funky clothes when I was a kid - instead I dressed in motley ensembles from the Bring and Buys my granny frequented - when I blamed her for my scruffbag appearance she protested that my parents would be waiting at the door with outstretched hands for her sale of work bargains with outstretched hands!

But just imagine how different life would have been if we'd had baby docs and bandanas
instead of diamond socks and 70's tracksuits in maroon?

I was in Dun Laoighre park today - face painting and the market, for the World Culture festival. There's a new play ground, very nice.

But a woman was selling a gorgeous range of kids' clothes, Keedo clothing, from South Africa - I wish there was some for grown ups! Check this out. There's lots more in the new brochure, actually.

As always, the boys' stuff isn't as good as the girls' but the furry jackets with bear ears are super cute! There's a stall tomorrow in the Park in DL or on Fridays at the Leopardstown market.

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