Thursday, August 30, 2007

my bad midwife

I'm hearing more about my midwife's unprofessionalism from other women on the homebirth board on Rollercoaster - one oman wondered, as I have, whether we should contact the Home Birth association about her or not. I think the answer is that we should - I would hate any other woman to go through an experience like mine - or the woman who had a 3rd degree tear she felt was caused by the mw's mismanagement, or the woman who had an emergency section she felt was avoidable.

I wish I'd talked to more people about her before my labour - I would still have had no choice of midwife but at least I would have been more warned, and perhaps devised a strategy and not trusted her as much! But I feel much better communicating with these women - vindicated. It makes me blame myself less.


Midget Wrangler said...

You need to contact the homebirth assocation, if ou don't and something worse happens to another woman it would be a terible thing for the home births in Ireland, I know it's hard now, you are still in shock.

aquaasho said...

Sounds serious. I'd definitely be contacting someone.....