There are too many people in the world. When I was in UCD we used to call it queuing for a degree... apparently students amade a film about al the queues, in the library, the canteen etc, and when they showed it it was so popular, people were queuing to get in...
Last week, we went to see Santa and get our tree from Powerscourt. he's a great Santa, you get lots of time, a quality pressie, a badge and the Christmas fairy takes a polaroid. it's still a little intimidating for weenies - another father made the brilliant comment that it was a little like meeting the pope! Last year we must have one earlier in the year - we got there before ten, and there was no-one else there. This year we were late, and there was a two hour wait by the time we arrived. No Way. So we told my daughter we'd come back early this week, and she agreed.
We didn't make it for nine, it was closer to ten (sleepless night with children, husband out late playing a gig, wouldn't get up... again...) an again, by the time we got there, Santa had arrived late, and there was a three hour wait - I was all set to feel disgruntled at my husband again, until he told me that people had been there since six thirty. In the morning. With their kids.
Now I'm not a huge fan of the Santa-visit, not having done it myself as a child. So I cannot imagine what would move people to do this with their young kids. We went and had a hot chocolate, and I'll being her back tomorrow, she can have time off Montessori - I checked, and it'll be empty tomorrow morning. It's just crazy. I would take an hour off work if i wanted to go that much, not queue for three. There are too many of us - Avoca was so nice with no-one in it this morning! I hate my fellow man en masse, I have to admit, and I think we're being driven to insanity by the amount of us around. It's reaffirmed my commitment to having only two children!
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