First the baby got this horrible horrible cold type thing - though in actuality, I think it was much more than that, he just wasn't able to tell me how awful it was. Midweek he went quiet and pale and got a low temperature, which went away fast enough, leaving him with a debilitating runny and blocked nose. His eyes went scarily bloodshot, and he insisted on breathing through his nose to suck his thumb and feed, and seems to have burst a blood vessel, so his nose started bleeding, and he'd wake up with all this scary dark stuff round his nostrils. Not a comforting look.
Then over the weekend, I got what my husband had before Christmas (though I wasn't able to retire to a darkened room for a few days). I've had to slow way down, which is a bit scary, because I wasn't going that fast before... thankfully, my mother in aw as actually come up trumps and done the school runs for me on Monday and Tuesday and taken my daughter off my hands a lot, which has helped so much. I've had an alarming barrage of symptoms, which seem to be going around: hot and cold chills, swollen glands, aching bones, inflamed sinuses and therefore a headache, nausea, stomach cramps, a sore and swollen throat, I can feel my ears being affected by it all. And most horribly, itchy, prickly eyes that have become terribly bloodshot - I won't say they're completely red but I feel like a character out of the League of Gentlemen (not the extraordinary one, the weird comedy one). I took a remedy or two today, having finally been able to get in touch with my homoeopath, and I feel a bit less woozy and weak.
We went to counselling last night, and I actually felt better for getting up and washed and out and about, not that there was much about, but on the way home, we stopped to bring the mil's car up the drive and I drove ours - but I made the mistake of thinking I could climb over the front seats so as not to go out in the cold. Just as himself told me it wouldn't work, my foot slipped, and I crashed my knee onto the stuff holder in between the seats. The pain! I started to faint! A wave of nausea and a steely blue tunnel, and whooshy feelings started, though they stopped when I put my head down. But I felt quite sick with it there for a few minutes. The point of all this is that I took Anica to stop the bruising, and Ledum to stop it swelling up with fluid, and I sat down with my knee on a pillow and a cold pack on it. When I looked at it, I had a 2.5 cm sort of bruise/cut from where I landed on the edge of the compartment, but nothing more. Today it's stiff and sore, but there is a sort of completely flat, see-through scab and NO BRUISING OR SWELLING. Fantastic.
My eyes are still crappy though. And I'm not looking forward to going out in the morning, but I have to do it sometime. I am SO looking forward to the summer, when my daughter will be staying home, and we can all sleep in (well, ok, some chance, but we can all hang around in our jammies if we so please).