Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Nrgle 1: We have a washer/dryer. It's not great, as dryers go, it takes about three cycles to actually dry anything, by which time the clothes are crumpled beyond the reach of my meagre ironing skills. If you set the dryer now, it works for a few minutes and then displays an error message and says BEEPBEEEPBEEEPBEEEP ceaselessly.

Axel refuses to believe that the dryer part of our washer dryer is broken. He will put clothes on to wash and set the machine. Then he leaves. When the BEEEEEEEPBEEEEEP starts, I take out his clothes and hang them up. In his head, he translates this into proof of the dryer working. So he keeps doing it. Last night he set the dryer for two work shirts, despite the fact that he had a clean one hanging up. Olivia woke early this morning to tell us she could hear a BEEEEEEPBEEEEEP, and she woke Bodhi, so I went down to turn off the machine and save the dogs from their night of beeping hell. Axel slept on, for another hour and a quarter.

Nrgle 2: Axel has been dropping Olivia to school these mornings, as it's on his way out to work. Last week I gave him a signed petition to return to the school. He was testy about it as he was late leaving, due to his practice of sleeping in. Which is moot really, as parents wait in line with the kids and bring them to their classroom. So I told him to just hand it in to the office on the way in to the line. Yesterday I found it dumped down the side of the buggy in the hall.
I don't know what to do about this sort of thing. I know Axel is currently the main breadwinner of the family but it doesn't seem right to me that that should mean he abdicate domestic responsibility completely. But there's no point in nagging, nor do I think that martyring myself by getting up and sorting it out each time is good. So in the absence of a solution, all I can do is say nrgle nrgle nrgle nrgle.


morgor said...

that's a bit of a shitty thing to do.

He could at least just say
"look i'm not dropping it in, you do it"

Jo said...

Indeed. I don't think he exactly threw it aside intentionally - he's just very good at shoving from his mind anything he doesn't want to deal with - letters, bills... me... :)

Anonymous said...

oh, men, they have it worked out! they know you don't really want to nag, so when you don't they just ignore what they were meant to do, and if you do they give out to you about nagging and say 'now i won't do it out of principle because you really shouldn't nag me about it, i was gonna do it tomorrow....'