Sunday, September 7, 2008


I just had to curtail a bulb planting exercise in the garden, as I had to bring Bodhi in and put him in the shower. He hates it, and screams and cries and crawls away nudie, but I still had to do it because he'd got dog poo on his hands, feet and legs. Dog poo that seemed to have magically appeared on the deck just behind us.

I just don't know. Olivia has never once got covered in dog poo. This is the second time Bodhi has had to be dragged (gingerly) to the shower and had the dog poo hosed off him. Bleh!

I wonder if I could invent some sort of danger and effluent repelling suit? And helmet, of course.


Lottie said...

"Olivia has never once got covered in dog poo. " That's boys for you!

Jo said...

Yep - another blogger just said she saw an interview with Jerry Springe, where he said his son thinks his head is a helmet. She agreed too. And I am familiar with that idea already!

His Girl Friday said...

haha, yep those were the days...and yes, boys will be boys!

morgor said...

can't dog poo make children go blind?

Might want to be careful with that...

morgor said...