Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I was on telly!

So I was on the Afternoon show today, on RTE, with a group of breastfeeding mothers from We were going on for National Breastfeeding Week, we want to try and give a better picture of what breastfeeding is like than the horror stories people circulate about bleeding nipples and loss of freedom.

It was fun, in one way, but we didn't realise that the main part of the feature was going to be Blainaid talking to their resident tv breastfeeding expert and we were just going to be the little examples. So, imagine the frustration of not having a microphone as the 'expert' failed to give any help at all to a woman who rang in trying to get her baby to take a bottle - a question we address all the time on Rc. And all the rest.

Most frustrating was that Blainaid ended the discussion by announcing that breastfeeding is initially SORE, passing it back to the expert, who vaguely and unconvincingly said that it's all about the latch, and you need to get good support.

But how! How do you get support when you've got eight different midwives coming into the room through the day, telling you eight different things. What's a good latch, how do you get it, what if you try and it doesn't work?

Gah! The frustration of not being able to add to that. I think I need my own show.

We were disappointed in how tame it all was - but it's afternoon tv, and at the end of the day, baby steps are good. If you're someone who is completely turned off at the idea of breastfeeding, or scared, or unsure, maybe it's just good to see a group of happy women and sweet babies, who breastfeeding ultimately worked for.

And my other complaint: they promised us lunch! Then demoted it to a plate of sandwiches - then they put them in front of us, and whisked half of us off to makeup, and there was hardly anything left when I got back, so I had a half a sandwich for lunch :( And even my granny said she'd heard the RTE canteen was good!


Anonymous said...

Ah flip. I got out of the asylum and was in my sister's at 2.30

What time were you on? That Blawwwwnid one annoys me. She's really pushes the Grand Irish girl type.

Jo said...

She does that, begorrah!

She was very nice, though. And professional. Yet friendly. Impressively so.

God, I watched it today - yarg!! The shame! No career in tv for me :)

tina said...

oh no, you should've told us before you went on telly!
how annoying that you didn't get to say much, but i think that's just how tv works. the thing is, i would love to hear positive stories about breastfeeding because all i've ever heard is scary, negative stuff. but i guess that's what sells magazines and gets people talking. sadly, people love drama and all that tabloid-y stuff...

Lottie said...

Yes you sly dog. Where was our heads up?

Jo said...

Well, you wd have all been working - thank god! Though Bodhi was the serious star.

Lottie said...

Could have recorded it. Bold!

Anonymous said...

Oh hey fair play to you for promoting boob-juice on live TV! That takes gumption.

I can't believe they asked you on and didn't give you fair input! What's the point in that? Blathnaid should've known better... sure hasn't she a fair-sized brood herself?

Anonymous said...

yeah, i don't like blathnaid either. i decided i really finally don't when i saw her interviewing a homeless guy and she was nodding and smiling as he talked and then asked questions that showed how she hadn't really listened to what he was saying at all!
hm, i wonder will rte have it on their website, your 5 minutes of fame...

Jo said...

Nope! I have to get it form somewhere, I feel guilty for not having it!