My mother used to believe that a prayer to the god of parking spaces would always see you right. She believed it was why she never had a problem with finding parking. I think it might be a goddess of parking spaces, really, She Who Saves Us Girls from Awkward Parallel Parking or Unnecessarily Long Walks in High Heels.
I think she or some higher guardian were looking out for me tonight. I had to go to Tesco after putting Bodhi to bed. He hasn't slept properly in four nights, with a fever, and I'm so tired. I go to the supermarket with just my wallet, no bad, and realised I'd no euro for the trolley. I stood there ineffectively for a minute, dreading the thought of going to the pass machine, going to get change, coming back to the trolley... I went and looked outside, and there, waiting there, for me, was a free trolley, not clicked in to the rest.
This may be a reason why people pray. It's good to have someone to thank.
HA! Seems a pretty worthy reason to pray, if you ask me. ;)
I think it's true though - I hope it is! It is for me.
You know there really is a Patron Saint for everything?
I found this:
"A Jesuit friend, however, relies on another saint for parking spaces: St. Therese of Lisieux, often called the "Little Flower," for her spirituality of doing little things for God with love. My friend taught me her prayer last summer: "Little Flower, Little Flower, send me some of your parking power."
She's a poplar saint alright, but I didn't know it was also for her parking favours!
Maybe that's what I need, a nice relic hanging from the rearview :)
Years ago my friend told me she just skips the lot of them and goes straight to Holy Mary if she needs a favour. And She will put in a word for you to her Son Himself if its anything more serious. Your only Woman.
Ha Ha yes I believe in the car park fairy ( or the power of positive thinking ) . My kids think its hilarious and it stops me becoming a raving cursing lunatic in car parks!
I have to admit, I'm more of a pagan than a Catholic about these things :)
Good point about the car park saviour - there is a lot to be said for patiently driving round and round til the spot comes - only makes it sweeter when it does!
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