While I was lying there, being harrassed, I thought of three separate blog posts. I repeated them over and over, but one is gone, sadly one of the more important ones. Well, serious ones.
For some reason, I got to thinking about my favourite pinup, Jason Momoa

and the fact that he's in a relationship with Lisa Bonet.

Ok, I'll admit she looks a little overly thin and druggy here, not the picture of health, but beautiful despite it.
I know I'm not usually tabloidycelebritymagaziney, I'm sorry, but I love that these two are going out with each other. They look made for each other. The perfect amalgamation of beauty, they're the yin and yang, the anima and animus.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't some sort of terrible, racist, stick to your own kind sort of comment - on the contrary, I'd have the man's beautiful little coffee coloured babies as fast as you can say bicep.
Still, I just think they're perfect. And interestingly (in a tabloidy-voyeurism sort of way) Lisa Bonet was previously married to Lenny Kravitz - she clearly has a type. And a good type at that.

I used to watch the Cosby Show just to see her. Then she was kicked out by Bill for doing the sex scene in Angel Heart.
I know, he was puritanical. It sounded likea really awkard time, I don't think any of hte cast talked about it.
Great film though, though she didn't go on to do much else, did she?
I am trying desperately to stop being tabloidycelebritymagaziney. It's hard.
I think the three of them are one and the same person.
i heart tabloidycelebrityperezhilton.
See ladies, sorry, I can't really be doing with all that. Well, maybe in the hairdresser's. On occaision.
I am SOOO not tabloidycelebritymagaziney. But they have my buggyyyy! I have it in yellow.
Ha, Rechru, not sure what to say to that! Em, congratulations? Does that count as a degree of separation do you think? :)
Maybe ...??!
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