Wednesday, December 24, 2008

christmas notes

Inhaling the steam from the soaking red cabbage and white wine is like having some sort of nostalgia facial.

Imagine if I raised my face from taking great, compulsive lungfuls of the smell, and I had ten year old skin again.

I was delighted when Olivia said she loved the smell but then she through a shouty tantrum when she realised I was putting raisins in it too. We've bought her way too much stuff.

I survey the bits of the house I've tidied already, layered with a new slick of toys and crumbs, already. I am living my mother's life, as some sort of karmic duty, or dare I say it, punishment.


His Girl Friday said...

I know how you feel, that's sometimes me....but deep breath...there...ah, your not in your mother's life....your creating a vibrant new angle on things!!

Happy Christmas!!

Compulsive Cook said...

I'm on Olivia's side. Yuck, why would you put raisins in to spoil something that smells lovely?