Saturday, January 10, 2009


The other day the space key on the lap top stuck, and I took it off to clean it out. There was an astounding mount of crap under it, including many kinds of hair...

If only I had a soft brush, I thought. Aha! The little wooden baby brush I have because my mother bought it for me, once, years before I had children. 'What's this for?' I asked.

'What do you think? Brushing the soft liddal head of a sweet liddal baby!' she gooed uncharacteristically. I was somewhat flabberghasted at the time, but I'm glad she got it - I'm so sorry she missed the chance to shop for my babies and lavish gifts on them!

Anyway, I vigorously brushed all the gunk off the space bar, only to realise I'd brushed out two of the little rubber doodits too. So now the bar doesn't bounce anymore and it feels extremely weird and dead, even though it works ok, mostly. But it's hard to say if it has or not. It's a really odd feeling, as if a part of me is weirdly paralysed.


Anonymous said...

Any short curly hairs under there?

Jo said...

Ah, Maxi.
There are many sources of hair in this house and I don't hoover enough...

Anonymous said...

Do you have to copy and paste spaces from earlier pots?

Anonymous said...

or even posts.