Saturday, January 24, 2009


Axel came in from an utterly fabulous acoustic gig last night - one that I am now sorry I didn't publicise - at some time after three. I was up as I'd fallen asleep with Bodhi and woken up again and I wanted the post mortem.

He told me on the way home he'd been stopped on the way into Bray by two garda cars and a special branch car, asked where he'd come from and they looked into the back to check there was no-one else in the back. The special branch both had sub machine guns. I hate to think who they were looking for, gave me the willies...

Anyway, to the point: this reminded him he'd had a dream the night before, that he and his brother were driving around in his car, with a 19 year old girl in the back. In a black bin bag.

He didn't know why, and in fact they wanted to let her out. He stopped, and his brother got out of the car, said 'Well, I'll let you deal with this,' and closed the door. So he sat there, planning her release, and deciding he'd go buy duct tape and tape off the reg and car insignia, and let her out somewhere quiet and whizz away.

He said he had no idea what it's about.

But I think I know.

It's me. I'm the girl in the boot.

I was 19 when things stopped being so good. And now he's got me silenced and closed off and a bit trapped, and he wants to get rid of me but he doesn't know how to get out of it or make it better. So he's just driving round in a holding pattern, not knowing what to do or how he got here.

It sounds a little OTT, I know, but the minute he said it, it made perfect sense.


Martin said...

The plan to tape off the reg and insignia is quite clever.

One eye open Jo, one eye open...

Anonymous said...

I read this yesterday and tried to think of something encouraging to say and I'm always rubbish at this. So I still can't but maybe he wants to release you both into a better relationship together but doesn't know where to start?

Jo said...

Well, that's defintely an encouraging interpretation!

It further occurred to me this morning that his taping off the reg etc was symbolic of him hiding his feelings and self too. So no one can read him... They say any car or house or walled structure is generally yourself in dreams.

What do you think it means that I dreamt Maxi was a celebrity singing chef, and it turns out he is?

Rechru said...

Hi jothemama have been reading when I get the chance and I wanted to say here now - wot Holemaster said. Definitely. x

Anonymous said...

Your interpretation sounds convincing, but at some level it's likely Axel is also identifying with the girl himself. (Because that's how dreams work). So presumably he too feels trapped.

Jo said...

Yep! Trapped trying to get rid of her!

If he's the girl aswell though, would that not suggest he's trying to release his feminine side?

Perhaps that's what's wrong... he needs to release his inner 19 year old girl.