I had a beautiful dream this morning.
I went back to bed, I just couldn't not, so I just grabbed it, and amazingly Axel actually got up. I'd been intending to read a bit of Twenty's book I just got yesterday, but not even that could keep me awake. I got woken up by Olivia demanding cake, but when I saw it was only 10.55 I thought, fuck it, and went back to sleep again. And I'm so glad I did.
I had a vivid dream about mermaids, living in a house on a sort of atoll of rock and shell that rose out of the sea off the mainland. It was a bit like Mermaid This Life or something, I think they were business types in their day jobs, but at home time they slipped into the sea, and swam home with long sparkly mermaid tails, scales flashing in the sunlit water.
They had a lot of friends, including me, and a very social night life. There were various scenes of boats and swimming, and them keeping their secret, but I saw them, all betailed.
Right at the end of the dream, the sexy promiscuous merman, who looks a bit like Aidan Turner was sitting naked in my house (I wasn't really really me, if you know what I mean, I was some one's younger sister, maybe), which was on the beach, presumably he'd just swum there, and was basically waiting to sleep with the person he was sleeping with, who might have been my sister, but it's all a bit vague.
What is less vague is the fact that I started talking to him, watching the light glow goldenly on his body, and we gradually began to kiss, and in whistles he was talking to his merman mate Baz (I know a v attractive Baz),who was passing in the sea, about both of them sleeping with me next time. Raar, not one, but two mermen!
I awoke feeling all delighted. That's not meant to be a euphemism.
Though the whole erotic nature of the event is, in hindsight, spoiled by the fact that he had a teeny willy like a toddler's, and I was vaguely concerned about nappy rash :)
Marriage and motherhood tend to really intrude on the fun of erotic dreams, I find. Plenty of women have told me they can't seem to dream cheat, they always stop, and now it seems the only penis my subconscious is capable of caring for is a baby's. Meh!
I am so jealous, I dreamt of bicycles last night. Not an erotic-merman-called-Baz in sight. Grrrrrr.
Er...size doesn't matter?
Nyer. It still needs to function.
Damn it Jo, I haven't had an erotic dream in ages. Not fair. I could handle some Mermaids from This Life anytime. Less of the wobbly camera work though. It made me seasick.
Me too! Perhaps mermaid sex would as well though...
dreamcheat, no, can't do it either! i've had some dreams where there was some action, but i always remember that i'm married and stop and feel guilty, while still dreaming!
Heeee! Brilliant Jo!
Isn't it amazing how motherhood just seeps into it all? Oh well... I do hope that has a time limit...
And dream cheating? No. My brain just won't let me...
I have mad dreams all the time, usually great fun and once I actually woke up laughing. Last week I had a dream where I was hugging a big dog around the neck and he was licking my face.
And I often have very vivd shagging dreams and then wake up a bit freaked out because they're often women I know but never thought of that way.
I am never allowed to cheat in my dreams. Once I dreamed of Brad Pitt and he put his arm around me- in the most friendly, hey-there-buddy kind of way.
I didn't get close to seeing his penis.
I don't know. That's still a pretty good one, naked or not. Brad Pitt likes you in your subconscious. Kudos!
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