Went out with mothers from Junior Infants tonight. End of year thing in local pizzeria, the pizzeria of all our teenhoods.
Bodhi conked asleep at 7.30 and I was out the door, free and clear, like never happens. And why not, he's been awake since 6 am, the little... wakey boy.
Got home at 11 having decided to have a drink, happy from having one of those mascara melting hysterical laughing fits at someone's funny story - which I'll put in a seperate post in the cold light of day and probably will find it's not that funny sans wine, but you can be the judge of that.
So, got a lift home, will pick up car in morning, why not. Opened door to see husband cross on the sofa instead of mother in law. Once the confusion had passed, it became clear that I had both left my phone at home and neglected to tell the mother in law where I'd be.
Bodhi woke up just after nine and freaked out, and Granny rang Axel, who was in town on a rare night out. He had to come home. On the DART. He knew where I was, mind, but it didn't occur to him to ring the restaurant, such was the panic at home, and the fact that Granny was relaying everything through Olivia, as she's too deaf to talk on a mobile, and couldn't find the landline handset.
Of course when Axel got in, the child was sitting up with a bottle if water, happy as Larry. But no move made to return him to bed, or get Olivia to bed.
No more nights out for me til he's four, it looks like. Clearly babysitting has Become Too Much for the Ma.
Uh- If I were you, I would probably be resentful as hell.
AH feck...
Sorry I missed the night out. Too skint. And I'm sure it was lovely...
Eh... just wondering.... how come you two don't babysit for each other like we do? You know. He goes out the odd night (I suppose being out gigging every blimmin weekend night doesn't count, does it?) and you 'babysit', and then some other night YOU go out and he 'babysits'...
Well. He's here Monday nights. Works til ten on Tuesdays, is mostly in Wednesday evenings, works late thursdays, works til 8 on Fridays then gigs til late, works til 10 on Saturdays, gigs sometimes, gigs sunday nights...
It doesn't leave much time for anyone to go out, and Mondays and wednesday nights aren't exactly the week's hotnights, y'know...
Hopefully be a bit better this summer while the other two band members are away.
At least it was worth it to have the mascara-running moment. Looking forward to hearing it later :-)
Just a absolute .ollix when this happens . Won't be forever Jo. But even those Mondays and Wedensdays are important, just to get out with the adults.
I think the universe made you leave your phone behind to get the break.
sadly the universe also allowed me to wander blithely past the pay parking signs so when I went to get it thismorning, the car was clamped.
A hundred and twenty five quid.
You are fahking kidding me?
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