Saturday, October 31, 2009

kindred women

Bear with me. Youtube is... gah. I want to play the following song, it resurfaced in my head recently, and Ms Moon made me think of it again today. But the song on this vid is disabled, even though it's up on others. But I love the pictures whoever put this one together chose. So play the song in the first link, but if you want to look at the pictures, watch the second one. Does that make sense? Listen to first vid, watch second. Bah.




Ms. Moon said...

Oh Jo. How did you know I love that song? How did you know how much I needed to hear it? How did you find those pictures to go with? How does his magic happen?

Jo said...

I read your pee-hand post, sweet lady. I thought of this song and I thought of you, and I posted it.

The pictures are the work of some other genius though.

Jo said...

PS I actually meant to dedicate the title to you. But then I thought that might be tacky. I should've though. Consider it titled 'For Ms Moon'.

Danielle said...

gosh..i once danced drunk to this song on a table in a fast food today its all about drinking..weird!! anyway..still love that song..have to go and call my cousin if she remebers that*..night?...