Monday, October 26, 2009

the View's not too good, dear

So said a little old lady to my friend, as she sat against the wall outside Bray Station, waiting for the bus, reading a book, in a short skirt with her endless legs propped up. At first my friend thought she was talking about the dismal vista that is the outside of Bray Dart Station, but then she realised the lady could see her pants.

I'd say the view was likely fairly glorious, but it offended the LOL (remember when lol meant little old lady, not laugh out loud?) and her pronouncement in turn upset my friend. Don't diss my pants, little old lady.

If, unlike the elderly guardians of Catholic Virtue, you agree that Sex Is Not the Enemy, you should click the link and check out some of the most beautiful intimate portraits of all sorts of genders expressing their sexuality. They're graphic, so be warned,  and they're NSFW, but god, they're gorgeous. And I don't know if you'll agree, but as you scroll through them, you get a little sudden ! reaction as you see one that resonates with you. Interesting to note. There's lots of excellent little clips from meditations on sexual politics too. I found  this last night, and I'm already on p53.


morgor said...

Mmm. what was i thinking about? ....
that kind of picture distracts me badly...

Mwa said...

You're now officially my electronic pimp.

Jo said...

That's porn fairy, Mwa. If I was your e pimp I'd be selling your ass over the internet, it wouldn't be the same at all.

Mwa said...

Sorry. I stand corrected. (Mmm, I can't say anything without it sounding rude just now.) Thank you porn fairy. I'm so sucked in by that site - can't stop looking. Love it.

Jo said...

It's so beautiful, isn't it?

I could look all day.

The only thing is, all the people are so beautiful and they're having such good sex, it makes me feel... sad and inadequate. I'm sure that's not the pointl though.

Mwa said...

It is beautiful. I was thinking along similar lines in the gym today (half the people made me feel more beautiful, half the people made me feel ugly) until I saw how pointless it was. Not as easy with only the one half on display I suppose. I've given up. I'm just enjoying just now.

Mick said...

Fantastic! Artistic and sexy - At this rate, I'll be on page 53 myself soon ;-)

Jo said...

heh, I was wrong, it was more like 65 :)

And now I'm finished!

Will anyone be brave enough to come back tomorrow and link to the one they 'lingered' on?

Ms. Moon said...

Ah yah, Jo-my-love. You always make me stretch my mind. I love that about you. I'll give you my link if I get time to look.
And how sad is it that I could even say that? "If I get time to look?"

Jo said...

Some of us live more firmly in the real world, Ms M. There is NOTHING sad about that! Quite the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Yes I've often wondered if letting the cat in on a threesome is a good idea too.