Saturday, November 7, 2009

I am aware...

that I eat far more ketchup than is seemly for one of my age...and, er, social standing.

I have it with inappropriate things* too. Like eggs.

*Not rude inappropriate, you filthers.


Mick said...

Mmm. Ketchup and eggs doesn't seem inappropriate at all. Although I'm more of a brown sauce man meself, ketchup's not that bad.

Except on pizzas. That's just wrong.

Danielle said...

i dont like eggs too much..but i cant life without ketchup!!! my sister jade recently said that i would eat my own feed if there was enough ketchup and sambal manis on it

Ms. Moon said...

I like ketchup on squash croquettes especially.

morgor said...

ketchup and eggs works marvellously.
but still optional.
the only thing i need ketchup for really is a burger.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Me too, Jo. And ONLY Heinz. I won't touch an off brand.

Mwa said...

I learned to eat ketchup only last year. I like it now, but I still don't drown my macaroni cheese in it like the rest of the family tonight. Mingers!