Friday, November 27, 2009

I didn't run out of petrol...

... it was the plug coil. I needed a new one. Two hundred euro. Sigh.

I don't have a metaphor for this.


Martin said...

'plug coil'

Sounds like a real bit anyway.

Jo said...

I'd never heard of it. But then, I haven't heard of much.

I thought you'd be posting some more humble pie here after your alarming revelations before...

Martin said...

For all I know you could be making all this up.

Some wild fantasy story a husband who didn't want to go for a pint and some mechanic who invents car parts.

Jo said...

I think we both know that if I was posting wild fantasy, that is not what it would be about.

Martin said...

well, maybe the mechanic...

Ms. Moon said...

No metaphor. Just...sometimes life gets expensive.

Mwa said...

I hate when cars do that. Could have been worse? x

Jo said...

Yup, true.