Thursday, November 5, 2009

nuthing much

Drinving round the north side in ever widening circles thanks to a silly mistake and the Dublin one way 'system'. Bah. Found it in the end, though. Thank you man in scary bunker style off-licence who gave me magic directions to exactly the right place. I thought I was searching in vain for an unfamiliar street sign but then oo! There it was! I woke up a sweetie baby though. Reeeelly sorry about that!

Olivia had a screaming freak out this morning about wearing socks/dealing with her overly physically affectionate friend she's been spending too much time with. Boundaries. He cross dresses in the opposite direction to her. They bond over their yearnings to be a different sex. He hugs her, too often and too hard for my girl who is not so into being touched. Parenthood is interesting.

It all seemed to get sorted though, despite the fact that she started crying like a newborn crack baby in the car outside school, when I had to force her shoes and socks on. I held it together though. Calm, calm. Axel didn't, he was ... terrified, aggressive and not constructive. Still, I've been there.

I picked up lots of work today. Cleaned the kitchen and cooked chicken that everyone liked, even a singer and a drummer. And two fussy children. Made people happy with biscuit cake that I FINALLY got round to making and delivering. Went to counselling and faced my bad habits with oh such firm convictions. Oh yes.

God, I'm soooo productive. Dynamic even. Yep, that's me.


Mwa said...

I used to love it when I went to counselling and felt like something real was discussed afterwards. (I so miss my therapist.)

Nicola O'Byrne said...

way to go girl !

Jo said...

No, no cheerleading! It was just a normal day, by anyone's standards! I'm just ridiculously capable of sitting on my arse all day, usually, feeling guilty about all the things I should be doing.

Martin said...

5 or 6 minutes trying to find the right chicken and drumstick joke...

Ms. Moon said...

Hey. Go read my latest post and feel much better about yourself.
I'd say you had a very productive day.

Compulsive Cook said...

I like that you can see Axel's failure and not be angry with him. He's struggling too, but it's not your fault.
it's not cheerleading to be pleased that you had a productive day - it's just recognising you had a productive day.
One of the reasons for having productive days is to feel good about it! At some point, that'll be most days, but you will still be entitled to feel good about it.

morgor said...

I like to think you were somewhat inspired by my day i described :)

John Braine said...

Was time for the baby to get up anyway. Thanks so much for the gorgeous biscuit cake. Had 2 slices for brekkie this morning! NOM NOM NOM. I won out on this one!

I took piccies that I was going to use for a blog post with but I broke the eject button for the SC Card which is now stuck in the camera. Doh!!

I should have videoed it instead. You should have heard my OOHS when I saw what was inside!


Jo said...

Jesus Xbox. It's taken me 24 hours to get that! Scaryscary.

It was only chickenbreasts,though.I'm sure there's a drummer joke in there somewhere too!

Jo said...

Oops, how did I miss John and Morgor?

John thanks, tweezers? Hit it with a hammer? :)

Glad someone new has joined the church of biscuit cake.

Martin said...

What is biscuit cake?

Sounds very much like something I'd eat myself to death with.

Jo said...

Holy crap, you've never had biscuit cake?????

Where did you grow up, Russia?

It's incredible. It's broken up rich tea biccies mixed with drinking choc, butter, sugar and eggs and then put in a tin and refrigerated til it all goes solid and squishy and fuck gorgeous.

But yes, the death eating. I'd have ones left over from the market and just not stop. I put it in the freezer to hide it from myself but then I discovered it's equally gorgeous frozen. Iwas a whisker away from an intervention and biscuit cake rehab.

Martin said...

Russia was like NYC compared to where I grew up in North county Cork.

That sounds very very interesting.

And easy-ish.

Jo said...

Shh! No one must know how piss easy it is!

Martin said...

That was my far too subtle hint for an instruction on how a fool would make one....

Jo said...

Nuh uh, this one's staying in the vault. You'll have to go googling.

Or I could send you one for X-mas.

Martin said...

I'm putting a block on stuff being send, Dutch customs have taken to holding all packages and demanding an 'import tax' on stuff.
