I went to sleep after 2.30 last night after talking an Austrian fanfic writer off a fanfic ledge, then Olivia woke up at 5.45 with an earache, and woke Bodhi who was slow to go back to sleep. Then I slept in til 8.30 because Axel's alarm didn't go off. I've a mountain of work to plough through, I'm still phlegmtastic... and yet...
I looked in the mirror to notice I'd woken up cute. Almost college ID card photo cute. Sparkly eyes that looked made up, face looking all defined and sweet, shoulder appearing creamy from beneath ripped nightgown.
Even Axel agreed.
Strange... random cuteness? Who knows why?
Strange random cuteness should always be appreciated, it never happens as much as it should it my book :-)
ha..i know that phenomenon...sometimes one looks really good after really less sleeep and a hard night..weird!!!
It never happens to me. Ever. I am never randomly cute and never will be again. So enjoy it.
ah ms moon..clean your glasses..you are adorable cute..:-)
This from the woman who I thought was wearing makeup when she wasn't!!
Oh, hurray! I love days like that! I'm having some just now as well.
And Ms. Moon is so wrong, of course, as we all know. (That must be the first time ever I've even thought that. :-) )
(Finally Googled define:fanfiction because I still had no clue what it was.)
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