I was at the check out in Tesco, eyeing the tattooes on the Polish guy, feeling slightly embarrassed about the pre-Famine amount of potatoes I was buying (big ones for baking, a bag for... well, everyday potatoes and little new potatoes) but I was thinking, well, no doubt the Poles can sympathise, and then I realised he was going to be looking at the snowman knickers I was buying, and suddenly the potato embarrassment didn't seem so bad.
very much depends on the size...
Oh, you cheeky fucker!
And no, no cheeky jokes!
I meant more as in were they adult or wee girl size...
His interest could be forgiven with one but less so the other!
OH. Well, that's different.
As evidenced by the outrage above, they were of course large assed lady sized.
Though if they'd been kiddies' ones, why would I be embarrassed...
beats me, I've long since tried to work out what sets ye off ;-)
I reckon fat ass comments are a safe bet, anyway :)
On first glance I could have sworn you were eyeing up a polish guy's 'potatoes'.
I don't buy potatoes. Too much peeling. You wear snowman pants, eh? Very festive.
Mwa - I could do with a little celebration in my trousers.
John... tattoos...tattooes? oops?
Eyeing his potatoes sounds like a fine farming tradition, doesn't it?
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