Friday, January 22, 2010

note to self

Must practise exiting car in boots with grace...


geeks in rome said...

uh oh. Did you snag the heels on the car?

Jo said...

Oh, no, not at all, I'm just without elegance!

I've a friend who went to a posh Catholic boarding school, and one of the things they were taught was how to get out of a sports car in a short skirt :)

Mwa said...

Elegance is hightly overrated. We were taught to sit demurely at our Catholic school, too. I say pah!

Bethany said...

those are some sexy, crazy boots. I would not be able to even sit still in the gracefully. So hurrah to you.

Jo said...

Ah, dammit, Nicola I deleted yourcomment by mistake. I love the phone book advice, though.

It's up there with Spike Milligan's story about a nurse saying that if men got frisky during blanket baths, their matron told them to hit their erections with a cold spoon...