Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tooth denial

The reality ship has sailed into port. Sigh. Gonna have to go get my tooth out. It had a hole in it where a filling fell out and I think decay on the other side too... and I think the nerve is dead because it should be hurting, and it just broke another big chunk off. It's alls harp and annoying,

I've had a wisdom tooth out already there, and it's going to leave a really big gap. Is my face going to cave in? Boo.

I know there's root canal, but it costs thousands in Ireland for some reason, and then there's this convincing deterrent.

Ay me.

Don't eat refined foods/sugars, people.


Mwa said...

Poor you!

Jo said...

Ach, it's all my own fault.

Well, that and my genes.

Danielle said...


Mick said...

I have root canal treatment at least once a year and I always have to go back two or three times because the tooth is still alive!!!!!!! It hurst like a bastard.

I hate teeth and dentists and teeth...

Mick said...

It's my bloody parents' fault...

Jo said...

Thankfully, mine was infected, so not viable and I had it wrecnched out of my head instead. Dentistry is still kind of medieval feeling compared to medicine, isn't it?

Though I totally spared a thought for those poor fuckers who just got held down in place of anaesthetic. Gah.

So now I have to wonder about the value of getting a hole drilled in my jawbone and afake tooth bolted in... for 2 - 3 grand...

Bethany said...

your face will not cave in.
poor thing.