Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Booby Tuesday The First

Welcome to the first installement of Booby Tuesday, and welcome to our first brave guest poster who brings you her boob story. All written content is property of the writer, please do not reproduce without permission.

I have been having a boob obsession of late. Following a decent weight loss (36lbs), I found myself to have more confidence. I am feeling better about myself, fitting into fantastic clothes, able to wear saucy little bras and knickers and generally feeling in a much better place because of it.

There’s just one thing. I was quite surprised when my boobs didn’t miraculously spring back up to a nice pert fembot position when the weight was gone. I had looked forward to the day when I could wear a tight t-shirt, no bra and resemble something from an MTV pool party. Unfortunately, my breasts remained where they were in length, at my midriff, and deflated instead. I know I should not be complaining. I am very grateful for what I have achieved and how far I have come etc, don’t get me wrong, but, still, I have been left with what I can only describe as two bags of marbles.

My doctor, over many years of breast checks did always say I had rather fibrous breasts but I didn’t really notice due to the padding. Now the weight has gone, the padding has gone and the fibroids are now next to the outer skin, I can feel every last one click clacking around in there. All they need is to be lifted, just a little bit. If I could just darn them up even an inch they would be perfect. Just a couple of stitches either side. Did I really honestly believe that they would indeed bounce back, defying all the laws of gravity? Let’s face it, they never hit that position on the way up...or down as the case may be.

I did have rather large fabulous breasts. Nice and rounded, and while they did indeed reach my midriff they were full and buoyant and rounded and soft – yet, sturdy. They sat a nice way out from my body, large but perfectly in proportion. But I wasn’t happy with my body then. They were in proportion to my 5ft 3” and 12 stone roundness. Boobs great: body, not happy. So it was my choice to change. The weight loss angel finally got me and I worked hard to get to the size I am today and I am happier with my body now. I hadn’t realised how down on myself I was. So I guess its time to put the boob obsession into perspective. I prefer how I am now. We should all be grateful for what we have (of course). Lets face it, us women are never happy. In conclusion I suppose what I must say is, God bless the wonderbra!

Thanks so much! I can vouch for the sturdy fabulousness of those boobs, as I got to touch one on one occasion. A fact that made Axel very happy. I don't know what to tell you, hon. My friend told me Barbara Cartland said that at some point, you have to choose between your face or your ass... stay thin and look haggard, or stay youthful and have a fat ass. I suppose this is a similar dilemma, you've just sided with your ass in it :)


Mwa said...

Nice kick-off!

Midget Wrangler said...

OH gosh,
I know how you feel, I have been doing WW (and they say they KKK are dead!) for the last 8 weeks and as of this week I am 17 glorious pounds down, but I just wish I could choose where it goes from!

I have gotten a very cute pink frilly thing, but after 4 babies things just don't "ping" I still love my boobs though, well, I love the nipples!!

great post


Jo said...

I suppose you've just got to love what you've got... or get surgery.

In between there's Judy Blume style bust enhancing excercises... we must! we must!...

Ms. Moon said...

I wish that society would just accept the fact that bosoms do not sit up on a level with the armpits after one passes a certain age.
I hate bras with all my heart.

Anonymous said...

I approve of booby Tuesday and will totally contribue as soon as I have time to breathe.