Saturday, March 20, 2010

sunwarmed, spring-freshened

When I was getting ready yesterday, I had to wash a spot on my skirt. Because I'm the kind of girl who accidentally puts her clothes away dirty.

I went outside to hang it up. Before I had my shower. I wasn't wearing anything.

And the sun was warm on my skin, and the breeze was fresh and cool and blowing new energy and courting-birdsong. The sky was blue and there were daffodils and snowdrops and grape hyacinths appearing in the garden.

Next sunny day you get the chance - I'm telling you, make a dash for it. You won't regret it. Rejuvinating.


Ms. Moon said...

I walked out onto my porch today naked. Does that count?

Jo said...

Well, I would say so but you tell me!

Was it nice?

Mwa said...

Oh, and that's why I need to move away from here. Too many eyes all around.