Tuesday, September 21, 2010


When I told Bodhi the real word for his willy was penis, he seemed discomfited. He mulled it over with a slightly worried face on, and then announced that he liked 'willy', not penis.


Then this morning he looked at me with that grin, and announced, 'I am touching my punus (pyoo-nus)'. He found this fairly amusing. Me too.

I just went and waited 40 mins for the library to open, only to go back and realise it's not open til 1 today. Not 10.


I have to start wearing my glasses again.

you'd think in a recession there'd be more need for the library, not less, wouldn't you? Bastards and their unhelpful opening hours.


Anonymous said...

hey..no, you dont know me ..hope i dont come across all weird..i guess i am just friendly..cos i read you and all the gang every day when i should be working and i suppose i feel like i know you..well maybe it is kind of weird in a way eh?

Jo said...

Far from it, Catherine, it's not weird at all. I've made lots of friends that way. Thank you :)

Ms. Moon said...

Owen knows his pyoonus as "pee-pee" and he gets the slyest look on his face when I ask him where it is.