Friday, October 1, 2010

circumscision risk article

yoinked from Kristina Wright's Facebook.

Why do we cut bits off our babies?


Mwa said...

Do we? I sure don't.

(And I think circumcized penises look weird. I like them whole.)

itchybollix said...

better sex, safer sex, cleanliness.

plus if you don't then you are anti-semetic.

i read the start of the article where he stated "more than half the parents in washington

having spent a bit of time in bethesda I assume the article explains that there would, probably, be a higher proportion of jewish men in washinton dc than in other other state.

i'm like to circumsise - can i spell that with an s to piss off the yanks?- I'd like to circumsize ryan turbridy. ugh.

Jo said...

Well, I think circumcision is pretty much the done thing in much of the States.

Better sex - not for everyone.

Safer sex - I haven't actually read the articles, but there is definitely a thread of opinion that disproves that claim.

Cleanliness, well, maybe. But I don't think it's that big a deal, and I don't think having to wash a bit more carefully really balances out slicing bits off infants.

Compulsive Cook said...

Gotta say (on a confidential basis) - definitely better sex from the female perspective. Which is in no way to advocate cutting bits off infants. Apparently it used to be very common in Ireland too.
And you very much have to admire the Danish men (led by the King of Denmark) under the Nazi occupation who got circumcised just to piss off the Nazis and protect the Jews.

morgor said...

Well i'm pretty glad i never had anything cut off, as far as i'm concerned the foreskin is what makes sex so good.

I can't see how it would affect a womans enjoyment of sex either way to be honest ...

CC could you be persuaded to explain?

Jo said...

Yup, because from my experience I'd take with over without.

Mwa said...

I like the feeling of it "with" as well.