Friday, November 12, 2010


I am grateful that there is no illness or disability in my family. I am amazed at the strength others show in the face of adversity.

I was grateful for my new boots, and not having wet feet in this stormy weather even if they're still sitting on my visa bill, but almost immediately after I send that thought out, I realised that my foot was wet because the sole had peeled away from the shoe, and now I have to try and return them and I'm not quite sure what to feel about all that.

I am grateful that I have people to talk to on the internet and the connections I've made.

I am grateful for how warm and blessed my duvet is feeling at the moment and how good it feels to go to sleep at night.

I am profoundly grateful that I'm not suicidal, and even in the middle of wishing for escape and oblivion I don't really want to die.

I'm grateful that the sun is shining. Was shining. Well, that it's not raining right now.

Being positive isn't cheering me up so much at this moment, though, if I'm totally honest. I am grateful, though, I really am.


Mwa said...

I'm grateful for you. Really.

And when being positive doesn't help, it may be better just to feel the bad feelings for a bit. Process and that.

(I love that you're grateful for precisely all the things I tend to be grateful for. Perhaps you should use that divine duvet a little more, though. 4.39? Also something I do. Sigh.)

Ms. Moon said...

Grateful and cheerful are two very different things.
Ah well.

Craig Sorensen said...

There can be so much to worry about in life, and of course we will do so.

So it is good to be appreciative for those good things in our lives.

Danielle said...

i m totally with craig..there is so much bad stuff going on..we all should be gratefull and happy for those things which arent bad...

laughykate said...

Yup.You've got to cherish what you have. Cause if you didn't, you'd be saying, 'And I really wanted wings!' (Well, that's my school of thought if I ever get a bit blue).

Demure Lemur said...

I with everyone on the grateful, but I'm a firm believer in a spot of therapeutic moping when times call for it. Sometimes a good mope is just what you need. It gets old after a day are too, and you can go back to being productive and happy and all those positive things when you've got it out of your system. (Disclaimer: all I'm ever going to be is a doctor of drama, so my therapy recommendations may or may not be complete bollox). Hugs!