Monday, January 3, 2011


I was just in the shower, and had the sudden urge to make homemade exfoliators and scrub myself with them.

Here's a site that says how -

I'ma gonna make chocolate vanilla salt scrub, me. When I can afford the nice oil, that is. These things don't come in bulk or cheap, here, as far as I know. Anyone know?


Irmhild said...

sorry, i've thought about making stuff myself, before, and gave up on the idea because i couldn't find ingredients at decent prices... same when i wanted to make bees' wax candles...
on the upside, i made custard from scratch today, and all the ingredients were easily available! now if only could tell when it was cooked enough, rather than cooked too much! more practising, yum!

Jo said...

Hmm... are you saying I should slather myself in custard?

Ponders the idea*

geeks in rome said...

I used to buy cheap flavor extracts (food section) and "flavor" my salt that way. You could use real vanilla extract and I think they sell artificial chocolate flavor in the grocery store...

But I'd get easy scents/flavors like peppermint or lemon or almond. If you want the oil effect then add a cheaper veg. oil like olive. A co-op in my old hometown had decently priced bottles of almond oil. But olive oil is very good for your skin!

the ancient romans would "bathe" by dousing themselves in olive oil, rub sand on their bodies and scrape it all off with these metal scoop thingies. I'm sure the BO lingered, but they must have had really amazing skin.

Ms. Moon said...

Yeah. Just use some nice olive oil. The skin won't care.

Jo said...

Ah, I guess - and the co op might be an idea, alright, but then I'd have to get involved.

Olive oil it may be for now, though I love the peach and almond idea!

Mwa said...

I got a really cheap bottle of almond oil from the chemist when I was pregnant - to stop the stretch marks. They just decanted it from their big vat or bottle or something.

Irmhild said...

or you could do a sugar scrub? sugar's cheap? with vanilla essence?

custard might be good, too, ha ha! milk, egg, sugar, vanilla essence, all known to be good for your skin!

Jo said...

Yup, that's there too - it's just the oil that's the pricey one, but I like the idea of the chemist, possible...