Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It's St Brigid's day, the first day of Spring, officially.The sun is shining. It's not cold. I left my beautiful scarf in the Welfare office, but I hope it will still be there for me when I go back. I was stressed and nervous about the appointment, but it went better than I expected, and the same guy who was a bit of an obtuse prick last time, actaully listened to me this time, and seemed to understand my pitiful attempts at communicating in the English Language. I swear, last time it was like I was speaking BeebleFrog.

Then I came home to Bodhi, who is suffering mightily with a sore throat - I've had him drugged up on Calpol for the last 24 hours, but I need to take him off to see if the new remedies are working. I arrived home expecting more wailing misery but he seems to be not in pain and cheerful! Fingers crossed. I also got Mannukah honey at half price, whee. I may get some back-pay on my claim, and Bodhi is feeling better. I also finally got a new wheel for my car yesterday, in good time, as the re-test is tomorrow so I feel a weight lifted off me.

Phew. Things are better now than they were a few hours ago.

I was reading this post last night. It's so pretty, I can't imagine writing anything like that at the moment. I can't quite imagine that feeling of optimism and happiness I tapped into then. Plus, I was so wrong. Extra wrong!
And yet, something tells me that if I wrote that for you, then you should be glad, in some way, on some level. Even if the optimism was misplaced.


mammydiaries said...

Jo, you're great :)

Jo said...

Nope, maam, as a friend would say, I am not. Thank you though! I need to talk to you, Missus, about the Fobf blog. Will be in touch.

Mwa said...

BeebleFrog. That's funny.

And I like better. Better is good. Or at least better than utterly crap.