Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hunger Games and easter eggs

Well, the other day, on Facebook, a friend suggested I get in touch with my inner Katniss, instead of my inner thin girl, so I took her advice, read The Hunger Games, and ate some chocolate. I've had a very nice Easter.

This morning as I was hunting for a second sock and hopping into my knickers, I realised I was feeling vaguely aware of cameras being on me all the time. Hee. I love when  a book does that to you, make you feel you're living it without realising. Convincing world building. I really liked it, and I'm glad I read it first instead of seeing the film.

I forced myself to go to the pool today. My hip was acting up though, which is irritating. I'm not faster than anyone else any more, though it seemed to sort itself out at the end and let me swim a bit more convincingly. You know what's delightful, then, though - I swim a certain amount and my flabby underarm starts chafing against my fecking swim suit. Gah. It's owy now. Fat Acceptance Movement people need to be more realistic about things like this. They aren't life enhancing.

Then in the changing room I got dresed in my changing-room-friendly maxi dress, and realised my knickers were lost. How can knickers get lost in a changing room? I definitely had had them on when I undressed... I was a bit worried they were tucked into my vest, or something, poised to fall out at an embarrassing moment. Nearly 36, and I'm losing my pants at the swimming pool. With a chafe mark on my arm. I don't feel grown up...

Happily, I discovered them under my handbag. Sheesh.

The Hunger Games is good, though. Convincing and very simply written, style wise? Easy to read. I am really looking forward to the next one... I have to control my book buying though, an I have a lot of work to do. Once I start reading, I find it hard to do anything else. Compulsive Jo... 


Ms. Moon said...

Okay. I gotta read the Hunger Games. Everyone else has.

catherine said...

on my list..just started The Grapes of Wrath for my book club..jeez..think its going to be a tough read..it ll be good to have something like Hunger Games to look forward to..

Jo said...

Oh, my, Catherine, yeah :)

Jo said...

Mary... I dunno... just because everyone else has read it doesn't mean you'll have fun...

Janine Ashbless said...

I enjoyed the book, tho I watched the film first and actually didn't think the book added a huge amount. Which is the mark of a good movie, I suppose - it says everything the book does.

Jo said...

Oh, deadly. I read a review that suggested the film left out a lot of back story from her childhood. And someone else suggested it was worth reading first. Anyway, that's sort of a rule of mine, for me and mine.

But I'm not looking forward to the film a lot. And even more to the next two books!

morgor said...

my girlfriend read all three books within a week on her kindle and really enjoyed them but felt a bit disappointed by the film.
I thought the film was acceptable but not great. Basically "the Running Man" with a young girl instead of Arnie.

Tinman said...

I'm half way through the third book, and it's ages since I've enjoyed myself so much. the first one, in particular, is just great.

I'm ignoring the bits of the post about your knickers.

Jo said...

It's never good to ignore knickers, Tinman... dangerous...