Sunday, December 16, 2012

socks and heartbreak

the girl who went naked for a month

Ah... we had a lovely day today at the inlaws. Lego and dinner and tiramisu. It started hard, though  -Olivia went to get dressed in her one nice dress... and like last time, it felt sore and itchy in the arm pits and she couldn't wear it. And then she couldn't deal with her socks anymore.

Yesterday we tried to buy shoes again, but they all hurt. In fairness, I think they didn't have big enough sizes, I have to wait til after Christmas and order them. I don't know if it's going to work, her runners are so beaten up from a year and a half of wear, nothing supportive will feel ok...

Usually she gets angry/upset at me, but today she curled up on the sofa and just cried. She never gets to look nice, she can't wear any clothes, everything hurts, she didn't want to go, she just wanted to stay home and be miserable, she's nver happy, her life is awful. She counted the tear marks on her pillow. 87 TEARS! In half an hour!

We got her up and out in the end, thank god, and she perked up and had a good day, bless her.

I know it could be worse, god knows, but fuck, it's hard. This thing is such a curse... if I had a magic wand...

I just spent €50 on seamless socks and two other items of clothing, to be posted from England, from a sensory clothes shop. There's so many kids like this out there... is it getting worse? Or were they always there? I don't know how they survived in previous generations if they were.

We managed without socks today, but her feet were freezing. Tomorrow morning will be another nightmare fight and tears, pain and misery. May this parcel get here quickly, and may it help.


Ms. Moon said...

Oh, Jo! I don't really know what to say except that I am sorry it's so hard. So very sorry and I wish it wasn't.

Annah said...

I really feel for you both, it is really hard Jo. We have it in a mild form here with Aubrey, a reaction to fabrics and tags or labels and not wearing underwear etc.....My heart goes out to you.

Jo said...

We had to literally chase her round a playground today... in the rain.

Just came home and had tiramisu and slimming tea for breakfast :)

Christmas stress? Gets to us all, maybe. pffffff.....