Sunday, April 12, 2015

Interaction with my daughter is like a constant comment war at the moment.

I have to cultivate smiling and nodding.

I'm full of pmsy rage at the stupid people of this world. Comments are a no go zone. No one can use hanging as a metaphor anymore because lynching happened to black people in the States? Bitchy insults accompanied by 'lol'? Passive aggressive ill wishes par excellance. One of which followed me home to my facebook pm box the other day.

A cleverer woman would get off the internet. I know, I know. And stop responding to things and then being upset by shit storms of my own making. I know. I'm better than I was, I delete my comments all the time before I post them. Maybe I just need an outlet for the Rage this week. Even if it's a bad idea.


Ms. Moon said...

It's like me, reading the blogs of the Very Religious when I am in a ragefull mood. Yes, an outlet. It is not very satisfactory though, is it?

Jo said...

No, it's shit. We should stop.

The problem with the internet is that you fall into these puddles of crap up to your shoulders without realising til it's too late.

Mwa said...

I could do with an outlet for my rage today, other than my poor children. Maybe I need to become a troll...