I am looking forward to April. For the mud of the field where I walk the dog to dry up and for grass to grow over the earth again and be solid and springy underfoot, instead of squishy and messy. For a gentle breeze to carry birdsong, instead of a biting, harsh wind.
We're having a cold snap - as is normal in February, and I'd be grateful for that after a weird, warm winter - but as Olivia can't tolerate the noise of the pipes in her room when the boiler is on, we're living without heat in the house. Huddling around a heater in the sitting room, and I'm clutching a hotwater bottle in bed, under three duvets in mine. No hot water in the taps in the mornings, frozen kitchen floor. Agggh. It's -4 this morning, I noticed as I tried to turn off the alarm app I downloaded last night, after my phone's alarm clock mysteriously disappeared.
How did it do that? I do not know. I downloaded another one that promised it would turn off if you waved at it. Instead it didn't turn off at all, and while the music it used was gentle (if repetitive), the insistent buzzing of it was not (though it was also repetitive).
I wake with an adrenaline rush these days, lying there worry filled before my thoughts kick in. This didn't help, I have to say, though the irony of struggling with an alarm that wouldn't turn off was kind of funny. In a watching-from-the-outside way. I ended up having to turn off the phone, turn it on again and uninstall the app. Stupid fucking thing.
Now I've got one with bird song. Hopefully that'll be a gentler waking for me. I want something that's unintrusive, gentle and not stressy. If you've found the ideal alarm app that features the soothing voices of celestial beings softly singing you awake while stroking your aura, please link to it in the comments.
We're having a cold snap - as is normal in February, and I'd be grateful for that after a weird, warm winter - but as Olivia can't tolerate the noise of the pipes in her room when the boiler is on, we're living without heat in the house. Huddling around a heater in the sitting room, and I'm clutching a hotwater bottle in bed, under three duvets in mine. No hot water in the taps in the mornings, frozen kitchen floor. Agggh. It's -4 this morning, I noticed as I tried to turn off the alarm app I downloaded last night, after my phone's alarm clock mysteriously disappeared.
How did it do that? I do not know. I downloaded another one that promised it would turn off if you waved at it. Instead it didn't turn off at all, and while the music it used was gentle (if repetitive), the insistent buzzing of it was not (though it was also repetitive).
I wake with an adrenaline rush these days, lying there worry filled before my thoughts kick in. This didn't help, I have to say, though the irony of struggling with an alarm that wouldn't turn off was kind of funny. In a watching-from-the-outside way. I ended up having to turn off the phone, turn it on again and uninstall the app. Stupid fucking thing.
Now I've got one with bird song. Hopefully that'll be a gentler waking for me. I want something that's unintrusive, gentle and not stressy. If you've found the ideal alarm app that features the soothing voices of celestial beings softly singing you awake while stroking your aura, please link to it in the comments.
There is no alarm which will cause you to wake in a good and lovely and peaceful mood but that was a great description of one that might!
maybe 'Timely'? It allows you to add your own music into it. Haven't tried it yet, will do tonight. (I had not even thought about an app as alarm clock!)
Well, I hadn't either til my alarm clock disappeared off my phone!
I can't be arsed downloading my own music. And tbh I think I'd prefer sweet lulling naturey whooshing sounds anyway :) Whale calls. Breezes in trees :)
well they have plenty of wales and breezes and everything! Check it out, it's free!
I wake up with our national classical music channel, but when I need to wake up it's always the news. I tend to smash it on snooze as soon as I can to avoid the misery, then seven minutes later it comes on with the recap of the headlines, and then classical music. It's kind of funny because I could just set it seven minutes earlier or later, but I leave it this way in case something really awful happens in the night that I need to know about first thing. Which is ridiculous. I should probably change that. But I won't. Which means I woke up with bombed hospitals and the like again. Derp!
I hate the sound of radio news, Mwa! I think it goes back to when I was little - my bedroom was over the kitchen, and my father would play the radio loud before going out in the morning, and then leave it on, and I'd lie there listening to this muffled shouty sound.
Thanks, Elsewhere, I will do.
I just downloaded Katia B. – Tanto faz para o amo on my iphone like alarm. This nice calm song fits to calm awaking.
I've tested it for 2 nights now. Works for me. Have it on a very gentle sound (Lyra), but might change it for days I really have to make absolutely sure I get up, because this one may become too soothing. Did you find you Wales?
I had to laugh, Elsewhere, I went to download Timely and realised it was the first one I tried that didn't work. I gave it another go - yes, Lyra, I think! but no whale music, a fairly limited selection - the sea one has screeching seagulls! But it was fine this morning, woke me up nicely - actually, the pre-alarm light was good. Worked like it was meant to.
Pre-alarm light??? can't find that... would love it!
and 'Deep Ocean' def. has wales on it... It's in the section Nature
yes, but also raucous gulls!
aahh, I must have fallen asleep again by then ;-)
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