Thursday, August 30, 2007

I need a fairy godmother

So we never booked our holiday because my husband's job kept putting the decision about his bonus on the long finger, again and again.

Even when he found huge discrepancies in the bookkeeping, rather than pay him his money and sort out their shit internally, they just kept handing him vague excuses and deferring decisions.

Which they're still doing, after yet another two week wait. Which he accepted, after insisting he wouldn't accept it.

So finally I convince him we need our holiday enough to spend savings on it - I found an affordable villa near 3 k s from the beach, with a pool, and an hour and a half from Rome, near the wedding we were going to. And Aer Lingus flights are now €1,600 + to Italy, Ryanair €1,000 + baggage fees. So that fucks that. It's just too much, we could do it for half the price in October.

But then we miss the wedding, and there's no need to go to Rome, we'd be better off nearer our friends, perhaps, on the East coast.

I just don't know. I just want something to go right.


1 comment:

Midget Wrangler said...

forget the wedding, just go where and when you want to go. I know it's hard, but the first couple of months after the baby is born you shouldn't try to make any decisions....I know impossible, but at least put off any major decisions!