Saturday, February 9, 2008

oh my god

Postsecret - it's heart breaking and beautiful.

I'm tired tonight. I was going to post and I just didn't have the emotional energy. My back muscles aren't strong enough and I just feel sapped. Must get workign with the sardine tins.

Then I started looking at my cousin's beautiful photos of her beautiful family in the Sandiego sunshine. Her little boy is a blond headed, blue eyed angel! There were a couple photos of her mother's house in Santa Barbara that made me feel so homesick - I've only stayed there twice but it's a very familiar, peaceful, beautiful smelling place. I feel strangely at home in California - strange, as my mother didn't. The photos make me sad though. I wish I was there. With people who belonged to my mother. It makes me think, screw the environment, screw the fact that I have no money, only debt, get me a plane ticket! I want to be where there are huge trees, the smell of cedar and eucalyptus, the smell of coffee shops and houses made of wood.

Then I found a link to photosecrets and that made me cry too. There's nothing like a simple line of truth to reveal people's inner depth and feeling.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Yes! Come visit! The California sun will heal your soul!

(That sounded kind of cultish and creepy, but it is a genuine invitation!