Friday, April 25, 2008


This doesn't quite apply, this picture, but I think it's so funny I'm going to jump at the chance to post it again. My daughter chose a cake for me this year, so I had a Barbie one...

So I nearly nearly took Rob's advice and just decided to stay in and chill tonight. I knew it would be a good idea. Avoid the stress, and the fear that I have no one I am special to be with on my birthday!

I was happy with my plan, or so I thought, but then someone suggested a 49£ night out eighties dancing and I leapt at it, thought hell, a bit of dinner first, off for a dance, a ready made gang... who could resist! Well, everyone could. Nobody was into the night out, and I lost my own group of friends due to various grannies and mothers inconsiderately celebrating their birthdays the same night as me, sick babies, impending seizures. So we were down to one husband and one friend, I was rushing round the house in a sweat trying to clean and get the kids fed, it just wasn't coming together. I knew my husband hadn't had time to shower this morning so he'd get in from work at 7.30 and would not be ready in 15 mins, I'd be trying to get the kids to sleep and put on make up, we'd be late and stressed, we'd fight and I'd cry. So when Dave texted about going blind in his eye, which forecasts a blackout (!) and said 'it might get better, mind over matter works sometimes', that was it! A sign.

So I'm back to my dvd and night in, and I feel a wave of relief not to have to make the effort. Well, relief, and misery, alternating. I was in such a kerfuffle this morning with ill baby and phonecalls to the homoeopath I didn't have time to dry my new do (My friend Amanda is a hairdresser, she's great, €30 in her house, if anyone wants an affordable hairdo! She's also the most beautiful girl I've ever seen) and I had to use my daughter's shampoo and it boofed up into a fluffy kinky ball :(
So I did it again later, didn't do too bad a job, but now no one will get to see...

Anyway, my husband's home, there's prosecco in the fridge, Ben and Jerry's in the freezer, an Indian is ordered (I hope he's good looking) and I don't have to do any more tidying up. So I have nothing to complain about. Except I keep almost but not quite tearing up if I think about it too hard. So I won't.

I had a lovely hour in the Avoca café with Midget Wrangler, Ginger Pixel and Aisling - I'd planned for a little more, a bit of a shop, a more leisurely chat, but a sick clingy baby put the kaibosh on that, and I had to downsize the plan a bit. It's all so... effortful! Still, we had a lovely morning none the less. I really love talking to other women. Especially motherbloggers! And we must do it weekly. Weekly! Wealthy women do it, why not us!


Rob said...

Happy Birthday


Jo said...

Hee. Thanks!

Alicia said...

hmmm, I'm sensing a theme here. Sick/cliny/crying baby ruins fun :p


aquaasho said...

I really do hope you enjoy your night in Jo. I do undertsand the relief of not having to go out, I always feel like that (which is why I rarely go out at night) but I've loved all the 4nine nights! I really enjoyed the morning. We should definitely make a plan to do it regularly. I wonder if we could find somewhere maybe bigger (room for buggies!) and quieter maybe. We can think about it..... Happy Birthday JO! (Who is Dave BTW?)

Jo said...

Definitely Ais.
He's a sweetheart 21 year old friend of my husband's band mates - he's going to be their Official Roadie. He's one of those people who makes everything more fun. We love Davey! I want to get him blogging but he doesn't like computers...

His Girl Friday said...

Happy Birthday!!

I so 'feel your pain' about the night out gone wrong, sick baby, stressors from time schedules etc; staying in, it's nice, but still...

well, here's some eye candy to maybe lift your spirits!! ;D
(gotta love those Ruggers)


Jo said...

Rugby players? For my birthday? Why, thank you!

A hurler in a red bow will be delivered to you on yours :)

His Girl Friday said...

Hahaha... sounds fabulous, hurley and all!! ;)

You can have him prepped, packaged and sent, to be received by the end of May; I even like the colour of the ribbon! ;D