Saturday, August 23, 2008

blog births

pop pop pop... little baby blogs, bursting to life all over the place. I loved how Holemaster's started, and you might have witnessed me being the midwife to Boggle's blog last night - well, you probably didn't because it was friday, and you were off living your fabulous lives (ngrgnrng). He wrote a Haiku! I'm down with that!

Two good opening posts. I looked back at my first post to see if I'd done anything special, and ... I really didn't. Just jumped right in there. God, if you look back, I was soooo pregnant.


Momentary Madness said...

I know the feeling and then out pops the misery. Ops! you can't say that it's not correct, but anyone who has been there knows the drudge.
ngrgnrng - now you got me, forgive a rustic in a sense, but what the fuck is that.

Jo said...

Heh, nothing to do with rustic, that was just a jealous grumbling sound, because everyone in the Irish blogosphere goes and does stuff on weekends, while I sit in isolation, turning down (admittedly rare invites) as my husband is off with his band.

Hi there, by the way - Black Hockey Jesus has brought us together :)

Jo said...

Oh whoops, sorry, no he hasn't, I thought you wre someone else for a minute!