Monday, August 4, 2008

My mother in law wants a family photo for her 70th . We have two one year olds and a stroppy and uncooperative five year old who hates having her photo taken. And she wants to go for a simple studio portrait.

I've talked to Gingerpixel about this, but I'd sort of shelved the idea due to financial constraints, but now the birthday is upon us! And I haven't done anything about it... so my sister in law who checked out Gp's website was into it, thought I was setting it up (well, I started!) but when she told my MIL the plan, that we'd go out, get nice natural photos somewhere scenic, not all stand in a grinning line trying to reign in children, she was not enamoured of the idea. 'I just want to go somewhere and get a photo taken'.

Right. It'll be that easy. It won't. It's going to be fucking horrible. It's going to be just like the clip!


Nick McGivney said...

Ooh, sympathies there girl. My neighbour just dropped over two and a half gees on doing just this. Yeah, I know. I'm still reeling myself. My budget suggestion, for what it's worth, is Pixiphoto in Mothercare. Way less twee that they sound. Say cheese!

Anonymous said...

You can insist that you are inspired by that naked gimmick guy and tell everyone they have to be on Bray head for 4am next Sunday morning. That'll get you out of it pretty quick!

Jo said...

But Nick, we're talking eight people! We wouldn't fit! Anyway, I got photos done by them once, they were good, but the flash was losing its battery and the photographer didn't notice so they're v dark. Not so impressed.

holemaster, perish the thought. Wrong on many, many levels. Not least because there's a lot of gorse up there.

Nick McGivney said...

Eight shmeight! Go to the Mothercare beside Argos in the Jervis Centre. They're always overcrowded. Tell them you're relations of Joe Duffy and all will be well.

Jo said...

Hmm, Nick, I could drag two families and my 70 year old mother in law to Mothercare in the hot, overcrowded, knackery Jervis Centre or I could have the lovely Claire come soothe us in our own home or a scenic setting of our choice.

Hmm. I think I'll work on option 2!

Nick McGivney said...

I seldom take my advice either. If it's not such a long way from Claire to here- oh dear, I'm beginning to pun dreadfully. I am going to bed. To hell with the pixies.

morgor said...

heh, my friends family home has all these tacky photos of the family on the mantelpiece that always make me laugh.

all of them when they were about 8,10,12,14 kind of ages wearing cream slacks and christmas wooly jumpers with really fake looking smiles.


Jo said...

Ee, she has one from the husband's confirmation - even SHE thinks it's awful