I suspect nobody watches my retro music weekend vids - which is fair enough, I have to make myself watch yours sometimes. And I don't always. It's ok, though, because it's such a nice thing, remembering a song from out of the wide blue past, finding it, listening to it a couple times, bringing back memories - I know it won't do the same for you unless it's in your cd (record?)collection too.
I went out last night - I was meant to be going out with a good friend for her birthday, and making her cupcakes, but sadly she texted to cancel, as she'd been 'violently ill' through the night. Boo! We'll do it again.
Still, Axel's away for the next ten days, so I thought I should make the most of a night out while I had the babysitting arranged. I went to Burger King for the first time in years, and was half happy, half disappointed to find it tasted dry and tasteless - I used to have a significant Burger King addiction, I'm glad it's gone, and not reawakened by my spicy beanburger last night.
Then I met a girl, who the lads know, who a friend had disparaged for wearing wedges and dodgy hair extensions at another gig -I'd never talked to her before - I'm not out that often due to child minding issues, and she's not out that often because she's just 24 and has an autistic four year old. She's quite incredible - she's completely educated herself about autism to the point that she now runs a website and is the person parents in South Dublin call for advice and information when they get a diagnosis.
She works full time, and is a young single mother of an autistic child. She's extremely sweet, friendly and generous, and here's me slagging her hair extensions! Shame!
I don't know why girls feel the need to do this, take the piss out of other people they consider to be fashion victims... though having said that, while I was on the street talking with her, I noticed a woman go by with a bra several sizes too small under a tight white top. Her boobs were neatly bisected, with her nipples (it was cold) very visible over the top of the bra. Why! Don't do it ladies, get a proper fitting. The four breasted look is never good.
That aside, I have a bonus post for you today, as I wasn't intending to ramble on so much - will someone please invite us to dinner?
Hi there! That young mom you befriended sounds quite admirable. I know how it is to have a sibling with special needs; one of my older sisters has Down Syndrome and it can be a challenge sometimes. Still, they are so very lovable =)
I laughed at the "fashion victim" part of your post. Btw, I like wedgies (hehe) and recently bought a pair of wedge sling backs which I adore.
I saw your post about tanning on Rice Daddies.
Hey sunny, you sound cheerful :)
I have to say.I just don't get the wedges thing, but I know people do love em. I can tolerate them being in the world, as log as I don't have to wear them though, so that's ok.
That was a good post. We're sort of a world away from those sort of considerations, so it was informative and made me sad.
You're such a goody goody two shoes Jo!
You can be "sweet, friendly and generous" but still have a comical haircut you know.
I saw those hair extensions, i didn't even really know what hair extensions were (although the name might have given it away) until I saw that girl.
Think of Enda Kenny, he has so many other mockable features that his hilarious 50's haircut doesn't even register.
Oh dear. Now I'm a hypocrite AND a goody two shoes!
As well as someone who makes absolute statements and fails to qualify them.
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