Long ago, long long ago, I tried soya milk, and it was not good. It plunged me into a world of ick, bleh, and ewy. I suppose being raised on dairy, and all the dairy creamy goodness propoganda, the thin green taste of soya milk just offends the taste buds.
Then my Italian neighbour offered me some fresh Alpro soya milk. Werg, no thanks, rather me than you, I said. No no, it's good she said, I drink it by itself. Double werg, was my reply, but I let her pour me a glass. Sweet creamy goodness! I've even downgraded from it (it's all so bloody expensive) to the UHT type, sweetened with apple juice instead of cane sugar. It's nice, I even drink it on its own!
I was in Lidl the other day, needed milk. I risked their organic cow's milk, and gingerly took one of their soya milks, mindful of deforestation, and genetic modification, things Alpro guarantee you're not supporting when you buy their product. I took it home, tried a sip, Ick! Bleh! Ewy! plunged once more into a world of bean milk, plehhh! It's sitting there in the fridge, beside the Alpro, guilting me with my own wastefulness, but I just don't think I can do it.
What is it that Alpro do to their soya? Do they massage the beans and feed them beer and play them music, like the cows they make Kobi beef from? How do they make it taste so nice?
Not up to your usual standard Jo. In truth, I found it contrived and a little mawkish...
@Xbox- I have to agree with you on that.
ooooh, you must try alpro chocolate mousse, it's delicious.
you should try rice milk.
Oh I have - but it's too sweet, and I think soya milk's probably more nutritious?
*giggles at Xbox's comment*
Soya milk is mawkish. Ugh. Not that I don't believe your review Jo, but I still ain't trying it.
It's like drinking baby formula! Yak.
i could never warm to it myself...
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