Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fisty heroes

I just got reminded poignantly of my younger brothers' obsessive childhood love of He-Man. He Man was great. Giant muscles, tiny loin covering and strap ensemble. Strange bob. Astride a tiger with a Clark Kent cover persona. Deadly. And equal opportunities heroism - She Ra!

But best of all, who can forget - Fisto! I'm a bit sad, I remembered him as Fistor, but maybe that was Skunkor I was thinking of.

So if you're ever in the mood for a bit of fisting fun, check out the giant silver glove on this guy.


Mick said...

"Fisting fun" LMFAO

When I was a kid I had a toy Castle Grayskull and all the baddies. :-)

My favourite character was Orko. I stole it from my brother.
Those were the days...

They don't make 'em like they used to

Martin said...

The christmas after my forgotten christmas I got ALL the he-man characters.

I loved how you could take the saddle off the tiger and he was unrecognisable.

I have the power!

Jo said...

Wow, that's Guilt Santa alright!

Anonymous said...

My brother, AKA the Golden Child had ALL of them.

But I am not bitter.


Amazing how easily they crushed in a vice though...