Saturday, January 17, 2009

light a candle

Think of it.

A flare in the darkness. A flint-flicker of sparking light. A raspy flick that makes the walls glow red for a second. Beat. Beat. Flicker.

And then sparkle. The stop motion light show of a sparkler. Tiny. Deep down, can you a see it? Hold the sparkle, watch it flare. Watch the room light up.

We know how desperate Xbox is, on the 23rd try. Desperate enough to ask for a little psychic backup. Close your eyes. See the path. See the life starting. Flicker, spark.

The silent fizz of a new life coming into being. Tonight.


Martin said...

Was that you in my bushes?


Anonymous said...


Did you get inspiration from the Kristina Lloyd article for the sparkle image?

XBox, By the Power of Grey Skull......

Jo said...

Maybe subliminally,Hm, as I don't remember what you're talking about!

You can check out her site, btw, though I warn you, it's full of pictures of wet men.

By the Power of Greyskull,you command him??

Darren said...

Everything is crossed (or should it be uncrossed?) as per usual. I don't think I've ever thought about another person's sex life as much as I have Xbox's.

Martin said...

That's quite possibly the most disturbing thing I've read in quite a while.

Well, since Maxi's last post anyway.