Friday, January 30, 2009

Milk Moon

I got invited to something lovely today. Milkmoon, the blog of the mum of someone in Olivia's class. And it's full of gorgeous photos and creations and positive sentiments about home and art, nature, creating and baking, and it all seems exactly right to me.

So now I'm wondering, should I blog a little more like Ciara, and focus on the things that give me joy, and not share with you that Bodhi headbutted me in the shoulder before he went to sleep tonight, bless him, and I think he's bruised the bone... mf-ow!

He was cute apart from the gleeful violence, mind.


Anonymous said...

No, you should keep being you. There are a lot of happy posts in here as well as the grumpy ones. And even the headbutt story is kinda cute.

Milkmoon is very nice, though. Did you tell her about yours?

Hope she doesn't start with the Filthy Butt story or the one about the use of the C-word.

Ciara Brehony said...

Ah thanks for the mention! As I said to you earlier it's the difference between the ones like me that gloss over the crap and stress, and the ones like you that tell it like it is and make us all feel better and not complete failures! There's definitely room, and a need, for both.