I just discovered yuor blog and have really been enjoying your posts, I had to laugh when I read about the gerbils even though it's not funny but you have such a great way of describing the situation. I had to read the posts out loud to my husband, and I'm afraid we had a good chuckle together. I hope the gerbils are doing okay. I will definitely be back.
What a fantastic green dancing pregnant cake lady you have there !
HEy don't beat yourself up about the gerbil, I am guilty of unwhittingly killing one of my pet mouse's babies by putting their house on top of them. Squish. (Can't, for the life of me, fathom how I used to have a pet mice, they terrify me these days). And I knew my guinea pig's life was over when it was brought into the house in the cat's mouth.
That woman is very fat and she has no nose!
Thanks Jo, happy to bursting point.
To be fair to her, now, she's a pregnant cake-lady, not a fat lady.
if you kissed her on the mouth, she'd suffocate!
Or melt.. do I see some sort of cake fetish developing before me?
Looks like me but I'm not pregnant.
SO happy for them!
Who sent you the picture of my wife. She won't be impressed ;-)
Joking aside, it's great, isn't it? It's a good job more Irish kiddies are coming into the world, we'll need a new electorate!
I just discovered yuor blog and have really been enjoying your posts, I had to laugh when I read about the gerbils even though it's not funny but you have such a great way of describing the situation. I had to read the posts out loud to my husband, and I'm afraid we had a good chuckle together. I hope the gerbils are doing okay. I will definitely be back.
Hi, Sarah,thanks for commenting. Yeah, everyone's loving the crushed gerbil saga. You're not alone in your sadistic, twisted enjoyment of the story.
The worst thing about it all is how right my husband was about it all...
Mick, you married a cake? Thank god you have more self restraint than me!
Hiya Angie. Yes, there is something disturbingly familiar about that stomach, alright.
It's a cute cake, but could you cut it? Is there jam inside? Could you resist putting a baby doll in?
Jo- isn't this just the best news?
It is indeed the best news.
What a fantastic green dancing pregnant cake lady you have there !
HEy don't beat yourself up about the gerbil, I am guilty of unwhittingly killing one of my pet mouse's babies by putting their house on top of them. Squish. (Can't, for the life of me, fathom how I used to have a pet mice, they terrify me these days). And I knew my guinea pig's life was over when it was brought into the house in the cat's mouth.
Woo! Fab news!
Wonderful news. Delighted for them. And of course, great cake!
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